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Models / Callidica

Avg Rating: 4.8

Callidica Vital Stats:
Height:  5'4
Age:  50
Measurements:  36C-27-37
Bust:  36C
Waist:  27
Hips:  37
Shoe Size:  8.5
Place Of Birth:  Chelyabinsk, Russia
Marital Status:  married
Pets:  none
Favorite Color:  purple
Favorite TV Shows:  Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Books:  The Da Vinci Code
Favorite Movies:  Because I Said So
Favorite Magazines:  Martha Stewart Living
Favorite Web Sites:  Pinterest
Favorite Music:  Blues
Favorite Food:  vegetables
Favorite Drink:  wine
What Is Your Favorite Time Of The Day?:  dusk
What Is Your Educational Background?:  college educated
Do You Speak Any Other Languages?:  Russian
What Are Some Of The Places You Have Traveled And Which Is Your Favorite?:  I love going to national parks
What Is Your Favorite Holiday?:  Christmas
What Is Your Dream Car?:  Corvette
What Is Your Current Occupation?:  Interior Designer
What Is Your Dream Occupation?:  model
What Is Your Favorite Place To Shop?:  craft stores
Do You Watch Sports? Fav team?:  no
Do You Play Any Sports?:  no
What Are Your Hobbies?:  painting
Nothing Comes Between Me And...:  my family
My Worst Habit Is::  leaving my paint brushes out
The One Thing I Cannot Stand Is:  low ceilings
What Animal Best Describes Your Personality And Why?:  a swan, because I'm graceful
People Who Knew Me In High School Thought I Was:  nice
How Do You Relax Or Spend Your Free Time?:  painting or reading
What Has Been The Happiest Moment Of Your Life?:  when I met my husband
The Best Advice You've Ever Been Given Was:  to live life to the fullest
The Worst Advice You've Ever Been Given Was:  to not care about the future
What Do You Feel Is Your Best Physical Feature?:  my legs
What Type Of Panties Do You Wear?:  lace
Describe Your Ideal Man Or Woman:  someone who is active and positive
Does Size Matter? What Is The Ideal Size?:  It only matters if you know how to use it
Describe The First Time You Had Sex:  exciting
What Is The Most Unusual Place You've Ever Had Sex?:  outside
What Turns You Off?:  laziness
What Makes You Feel The Most Desirable?:  when I'm wearing a nice pair of heels
The Best Way To Give You An Orgasm Is:  tease me
What Has Been Your Most Pleasurable Orgasm:  my first orgasm was the best
Your Favorite Sexual Position Is:  doggy style
Do You Masturbate? If so How Often?:  whenever I'm alone
What Fetishes Are You Into?:  being spanked
Describe A Typical Day In Your Life:  I try to spend the day being creative
Do You Have Any Sexual Curiosities?:  to be with another woman
Describe In Detail Your Favorite Sexual Fantasy:  to just get maximum satisfaction
Describe Your Idea Of The Perfect Date:  a picnic surrounded by nature
If You Could Be Photographed In Any Way, What Would You Choose:  I want to be in classy photos

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amazing body!!!
Callidica, enjoying your pictures very much. Hope to see more of you. You are a class act.
Very horny pussy; want to met her in order to put my dick in this wet pussy.
Great looking outfit and a great looking body!
What a CLASS act. Lovely
She's fucking AWESOME
She's really the woman of my dreams 😴💭 I would do anything to stay with her a couple of days haha