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Models / Annie Cruz

Avg Rating: 4.6

Annie Cruz Vital Stats:
Height:  5'6"
Age:  30
Measurements:  32C-24"-36"
Bust:  32C
Waist:  24"
Hips:  36"
Shoe Size:  7
Place Of Birth:  Stockton, CA
Marital Status:  Single
Pets:  2 dogs- teacup chihuahuas
Favorite Color:  Green
Favorite TV Shows:  Gotham, Arrow
Favorite Books:  Graphic novels and comic books. Batman!
Favorite Movies:  Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action
Favorite Magazines:  Game Informer
Favorite Web Sites:  My blog-
Favorite Music:  Classic Punk Rock, Rock & Roll, Metal, Oldies, Hip-Hop
Favorite Food:  Greek Mediterranean, Italian, Indian, Thai
Favorite Drink:  Bourbon and Ginger
What Is Your Favorite Time Of The Day?:  Magic Hour
What Is Your Educational Background?:  2 years of college
Do You Speak Any Other Languages?:  A little bit of French
What Are Some Of The Places You Have Traveled And Which Is Your Favorite?:  Jamaica, Philippines, Mexico, Canada and all over the US. My favorite so far is Jamaica.
What Is Your Favorite Holiday?:  Halloween
What Is Your Dream Car?:  1969 Cherry Red Mustang
What Is Your Current Occupation?:  Radio Personality, Adult Performer
What Is Your Dream Occupation?:  Crime Scene Investigation
What Is Your Favorite Place To Shop?:  Comic Book Shop
Do You Watch Sports? Fav team?:  No
Do You Play Any Sports?:  Not currently. Does weightlifting count?
What Are Your Hobbies?:  Weightlifting, video games, cosplay, comic books, traveling, the outdoors.
My Worst Habit Is::  Procrastination
The One Thing I Cannot Stand Is:  Bigotry, ignorance and stupidity
What Animal Best Describes Your Personality And Why?:  A feline- I can be cute and snuggly but at the same time feisty and flexible
People Who Knew Me In High School Thought I Was:  A shy nerd
How Do You Relax Or Spend Your Free Time?:  Relax by a pool or in nature. I love hiking.
The Best Advice You've Ever Been Given Was:  Life is too short to care about what other people think
The Worst Advice You've Ever Been Given Was:  Get married
What Do You Feel Is Your Best Physical Feature?:  Legs
What Type Of Panties Do You Wear?:  Mostly full backs and boy shorts/briefs
Describe Your Ideal Man Or Woman:  Intelligent, sexuality adventurous, open-minded
Does Size Matter? What Is The Ideal Size?:  No, but ideal is somewhere in between too big and too small
Describe The First Time You Had Sex:  The day after X-Mas in my parents' living room while my cousin sat just 4ft away.
What Is The Most Unusual Place You've Ever Had Sex?:  The back of a Hearse, the patio of a convent
What Turns You Off?:  Bad hygiene
What Makes You Feel The Most Desirable?:  When I'm forward with people sexually and they take it
The Best Way To Give You An Orgasm Is:  Pump the G-Spot and/or lick my clit right!
What Has Been Your Most Pleasurable Orgasm:  This one time I did erotic hypnosis
Your Favorite Sexual Position Is:  Doggy, Cowgirl and Reverse Anal
Do You Masturbate? If so How Often?:  Every morning when I wake up and before bed
What Fetishes Are You Into?:  Feet, BDSM, Piss, hands
Describe A Typical Day In Your Life:  I meal prep for the week, and I cook breakfast every morning. Then gym, radio show, adventures- in that order.
Do You Have Any Sexual Curiosities?:  I've done almost everything except fuck a Transwoman. It's on my "Fuck List".
Describe In Detail Your Favorite Sexual Fantasy:  Being held at knife point as I'm just getting home. Chloroforms me and drags me into my home where I later wake up to hime about to have his way with me.
Describe Your Idea Of The Perfect Date:  I don't go on dates :)
If You Could Be Photographed In Any Way, What Would You Choose:  Dark, mysterious and horrifying

Annie Cruz Updates

I miss Annie. she has always been one of my faves.